Sunday, May 27, 2012

Almost summer!

Bath time is one of mom and my favorite times of the day. Sometimes it even becomes Houston’s favorite part of the day because he can bath his baby too.

Here is an interesting sleeping position.

Here is a picture I forgot from when Cousin Ashton visited. He was so good at holding me and I loved it!

Take this, “tummy time”

Here is my passport photo. I’m sure I’ll took the same for the next 5 years.

This is a picture of our neighbor, Brinley holding me. Often mom will invite her over to hold me while she gets some cleaning or cooking done and it works out for everyone because I love being held and Brinley loves holding me and playing mommy. More often, however, Brinely rings our doorbell repeatedly to ask if she can hold me. Mom isn’t so crazy about this.

Mom is thrilled that the hair I lost soon after I was born is starting to grow back. I even have a little widows peek forming and it is so cute!
Check out my cuteness:

I have discovered my fist and it is very useful when mom is starving me.

Some other exciting news is that I take a bottle like a champ. This has been so nice for when mom is out and can’t feed me. I’m sure it won’t happen a ton because mom doesn’t like pumping but at least she knows that option is open.
Another reason mom might not be pumping for a while is because last week she actually got Mastitis which is a little unusual when your baby is 3 months old (mastitis is a breast infection that can develop after you have had a duct clogged with milk for too long). I won’t get into details about how she got it, but like all the stories she has heard, it is NOT fun. One night she was up for about 4 hours dealing with extreme body aches and very violent chills (she knew something was wrong when our place was 78 degrees and she was shivering uncontrolably). After a couple of days of these flu-like symptoms she called the doctor and they prescribed some antibiotics for her. They worked real fast and she is back to normal.

BTW I have now rolled over twice. Both times mom wasn’t looking but found me on my back when she had laid me on my tummy. She is not convinced that I am doing it purposefully, but that is still pretty impressive. I must be pretty strong!

Check out this sweet ramp dad built for me to ride down on my bike.

For some reason, I choose not to wear pants each Sunday afternoon. One Sunday this gave my parents a chance to notice my legs and how much my feet lean into my arches making my knees come close together. Given Dad’s history and the two hip surgeries he had as a preteen, they decided a doctor’s visit couldn’t hurt to check it out.
The doctor was a little concerned and referred us to a Pediatric Orthopedic surgeon. However, when mom called to make an appointment, the receptionist discouraged her from wasting our time and money because no procedure would likely be done until I was 4. Plus, being knocked kneed is very common for toddlers and there is a very good chance I will grow out of it. Again, given dad’s history, we are going to keep an eye on it.

Speaking of knees, I fell a couple weeks ago and got my first skinned knee. I cried a bit when it happened but was so tough I stayed outside to play until dinner was ready. Later, I wasn’t very cooperative for the cleaning and bandaging but it was worth it because it helped it heel real quick.

Now that I am 2 ½, mom decided it was time to go to the dentist for the first time. She prepped me as best she could and got me all excited but when it came down to it, I was pretty scared. One assistant tried to get ex rays but every time she tried to put the plastic piece between my teeth I would gag (it doesn’t take much for me to gag). So that didn’t work.
I laid down in the dentist’s chair and watched the movie Toy Story playing on the roof. That was awesome until the mean old Dentist came over. You could tell he was well versed in coercing young children to open their mouths. Plus he was able to work quite well through my sobs. Next another assistant painted something on my teeth to help prevent cavities and that was probably the worst. But I got a “cars” tooth brush and a toy out of the deal so I guess it was all worth it.

Check out our new double stroller. This stroller is truly a thing of beauty! A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to Grandma Cari, Granddad, Auntie Anne and Uncle Dan for purchasing this for us. We use it most mornings for mom’s exercise and it has been such a blessing!

One night as a family we attended Circus Night at our local library. I had tons of fun and even got my face painted for the first time. I chose the heart for my cheek.

Finally, a couple of weekends ago our family was feeling spontaneous so we took a trip to Grand Junction, Colorado. Why, you ask? Well some of you may know that mom and dad love watching lacrosse and BYU was in a tournament to determine the conference champions. We were even able to get a nice hotel room for free using some credit card points. Damon and I were great travelers and I am even learning how to sleep better in a car seat. BYU lost in the finals but overall it was a really fun trip.

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