The first week of my life was pretty awesome having both Daddy and Grandma Schlenker around to help out mommy, Houston and me. One downer was that I had high levels of bilirubin (causing me to be Jaundice). I never got as bad as my brother did so I didn’t have to endure the dreaded lights but I did have to go in for 2 extra blood tests while they monitored me (BTW I didn’t even make a squawk either time the pricked my little heel; mom was so proud of me). By my one week birthday, the doctor said I had gained enough weight and lowered the levels of bilirubin enough that we didn’t need to worry anymore. My good eating habits surely helped lower the bilirubin levels quickly. Everyone was happy to hear this especially mom because she no longer had to set an alarm and feed my every 2 hours. Also at that doctor’s appointment I was circumcised which is just a lovely experience. Mommy and daddy both came but daddy was the one to be right next to me and comfort me when I needed it. The only real painful part of the process is the numbing needle at the beginning. However I was super tough and everything went quite well.
Our beautiful family.
Me in Houston’s shrunken Halloween costume made by Grandma Schlenker.
Also on the day I turned one week old, Grandma Cari was nice enough to catch a late flight to Utah to spend the weekend with us. Since Grandma Schlenker was sleeping in the third bedroom, Grandma Cari offered to sleep on Houston’s top bunk but some how ended up on the lower bunk with him each morning. She is such a softy and I’m sure Houston LOVED the snuggles (I take after him in that respect).
Visits from cousin Daria
Morning snuggles with my brother.
He is so good at sharing!
As the weeks go by and I am filling out, everyone is commenting on how handsome I am. Mom definitely agrees and says she becomes entranced in my big, lovely eyes.
I am steadily gaining weight and mom has made the conclusion that she gives birth to small babies who become big babies quite quickly. Just like my brother, I was born with smallish lips and mom and dad always get a chuckle when I purse them - I make it simply irresistible to kiss them.
Check out my cute slippers from Cousins Marissa and Dan
Most nights, daddy gets home from work right before I go to bed. We both look forward to reading stories and singing songs together before I fall asleep. I not only love reading books these days but I also love hearing what daddy and I call “Fred Stories”. These stories are about one of my stuffed Teddy Bears we have named Fred and Dad tells me about adventures Fred goes on. My favorite and most requested adventure to hear about is Fred going to the park and going down the slide.
Daddy and I have also discovered Raffi songs. Daddy and I sing them so much I can almost sing whole songs on my own. Some of these songs include Baby Beluga, Peanut Butter Sandwich, I’ve Been Working on the Railroad, He's Got the Whole World in His Hands, and Down by the Bay.
Another favorite song of mine right now is Wheels on the Bus. I’m sure you are sensing this, but Damon and I have the best dad in the world!!
I am usually fickle about baths and have recently not been a fan. However mom decided to pull out some bath crayons that were given to me by Cousin Marissa a while ago and I have since loved baths. I love drawing circles and balloons but am also great at wiping off the sides of the tub when I’m finished. Another fun thing we were given were little color tablets that dye the water colors. They are helping to teach me about primary colors and what colors you mix to get other colors. I have a blast with them and give a thank you shout out to Auntie Richelle for giving them to me.
I got daddy so wet one bath, he decided to just hop in with me.
Damon, mom and I were out at a Relief Society function and daddy came home to this:
He then sent mom the following text:
“Just got home. I think someone broke into our house and was searching for something. Must’ve had a hot tip that it was in one of Houston’s toys.”
Needless to say mom is not enjoying as clean a house as she once did – just too hard to keep up to me some days. The up side to this is that I am becoming remarkably good at playing by myself with my toys!
This is a typical morning these days. On this particular day, mom went out to the living room to feed Damon and when she came back, there was no room for her anymore.
Off to church with daddy.
Dad found a sweet deal on helmets and had to get me one so now I am even more ready for quadding with Papa and my cousins.
Next weekend Uncle Derek is coming to visit and attend Conference. We are very excited to see him and Damon is excited to meet him for the first time. The weekend after that is Easter and we are blessing my baby brother. Lots of family and friends will be in attendance and we are very excited!
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