Sunday, May 26, 2013

February: loving the month of love

Fun at the library

Granddad sent me a toy bus to remind me of my first bus ride with him. Grandma Cari sent me grape licorice because they are yummy!

Sunday afternoon

This is what mommy and I made on Valentines day for daddy. It is a heart garden and we filled the hearts with candy.

We took it to daddy at work and this is how he dressed me for a chilly ride in the golf cart.

Mommy made my favorite lunch extra fancy.

Making and eating heart cookies at preschool with my best bud, Gordie.

Grandma Cari and Granddad had sent McDonald's gift cards for a V-day gift so that is how we spent our evening.

As many of you know, Feb 24 is my brother's birthday and he turned 1!!! This toy box was a gift from Grandma Cari and granddad. Soon I will be getting my own bookshelf from other Grandmas and Grandpas too.

Damon at 12 months:
Height: 2.5 feet (30.5in)
Weight: 18.6lb
Head Circumference: 18.5cm (47cm)

Houston at 12 months:

Height: 2.7 feet (32.5in)
Weight: 21.75lb
Head Circumference: 19 in (48.5cm)

We were able to celebrate when Grandma was here visiting.

We are so grateful for our bundle of joy and the adventure he makes each day. He has increased the love in our home greatly. Though he is extremely active, busy and adventurous he always has time for big hugs, kisses and a (loving) body slam. His sweet smile always brightens our days.

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