When I was generally back to myself, mom was having a hack of a time getting me to go down for my afternoon nap. I would just endlessly cry and cry. She was sad thinking that I was already transitioning to one nap a day so she tried keeping me up for more of the morning but that didn’t work either. I got to the point where I was pretty much not napping AT ALL. Mom was going crazy especially because dad was busy and out of town two weekends in a row and couldn’t get a break from me. Mom still does not know what changed in me because I was napping so well a few weeks ago. Hopefully I will go back to normal soon!
My latest development is clapping! I love clapping especially when mom and dad do it. I simply love making noise so this gives me another avenue to express myself.
Another development that has been getting worse is eating off the ground. Literally anything that fits in my mouth will end up in my mouth from cereal to bobby pins. The scariest thing mom has scooped out of my mouth is a nickel. When I first started doing this, I put up a fuss anytime mom tried to get the object out of my mouth but I am better about opening up and letting her fish.
As many of you know, I am turning 1 on October 9th! Mom is so excited to put a party on for me. We are actually having two parties: one on October 3rd from 12-2pm and another on October 24th, time TBO. If you will be around and want to come to our Pirate Party, let my mom know. We would love to have you!!
Here are a few videos from you tube. People have shared them with my mom and they have brightened her day so maybe they can bring a smile to your face as well.
I find him sooo funny… check out other videos by him.
I think the same people must have made this one.. Thanks Mark!