We had Houston's birthday party a week later than his actual birthday because of our Utah trip. He wanted a crazy party and I think had a huge success. We first played Human Hungry Hippos a crazy ball throwing game. Then we went outside for red rover, presents, cupcakes, and glow sticks.
Mom definitely gets a reality check when her kids have a birthday. Especially her oldest. With every milestone and new discovery he makes, mom and dad are so proud and grateful. His musical talent has really taken off. Mom's been teaching him piano and he is learning to read music so fast. He also enjoys playing by ear and writing out music.
(Writing out the melody of Orff's Carmina Burana...seriously)
Any chance he gets to challenge himself and exercise his brain he takes it. Kindergarten has helped make Houston a confident reader. He gets better and better every week. His favorite class at school is computers. He also loves working with numbers wants to know more and more about math. We haven't tried any organized sports yet but we excited for Houston to find a sport that he loves. For now he loves being active outside running around, play at parks and riding his bike and scooter.
Houston is extremely good at taking care of this family. He always looks out for his brothers. Damon and Houston are very different which means they clash a lot but they have many common interests which also makes them great friends. Cooper adores Houston and Houston is always helping mom teach and take care of him. He encourages our family to be our best by remembering to read scriptures, have family home evening, and to pray. His ability to grasp gospel concepts builds all of our faith a testimony.
Houston is very honest and always tell you things as they are. Even though this is a great quality, he is learning to balance this with being kind and considerate. He can often have a hard time expressing himself during good times and bad times. Mom is trying to be a better role model of effective expression. Lately he has also been struggling with making decisions. He likes to think everything through and often he feels pressure to make decisions faster than he would like. With all of this he shows great maturity and is growing up so fast.
Lego from Grandma Cari and Granddad.
Specially requested "super soft" blanket from Grandma Schlenker
*Sigh* I guess there are worse things he could get into.
Fun outing with friends to a living farm museum.
Some new friends of ours invited us to go on a quadding adventure up on the Mesa. It was so much fun and so beautiful!
Damon (far right) insisted on watching his brother during the primary program practice
Coaches and AT's families were invited to watch the game from the hospitality suite one night.
Catching a tender moment with these two reading together after church
Yes that is all drool
One morning during fall break spent at Moon Farm
Houston's actual 6th birthday was spent in Utah. Uncle Derek came down for a weekend so we decided to meet him out there.
the Smiths helped make the day very special.
We had a great time in Utah especially spending time with Uncle Derek.